

The power of words

You are in control of your story. Enter the platform of the cultural and creative sectors and industries to enhance your differential value and transform your reality.

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There are many ways to approach the cultural and creative sectors, but they all have something in common: their value in building a rich, diverse and balanced ecosystem.

In Kultursistema we want to help you improve, show the situation of your sector and connect you with the community to transform your reality.

We promote the empowerment
of your sector

Kultursistema is your tool for:

Make visible

your project and the reality you face every day. By adding your experience to the platform we can show the diversity of the ecosystem and analyse in depth the real situation of each sector


what makes you different and essential for building the ecosystem. We help you to focus, gain strength and boost your growth. We support the creation of new collaborative initiatives.


your strategy and generate new lines of work. We guide your reflection to explore your potential and make decisions that will lead you to be more relevant to your target audience and drivers.

Connect with the community
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Dare to collaborate

Featured profiles

Casa de la Literatura Peruana

#Libro y Fomento de la Lectura
#Mediación cultural

La Casa de la Literatura Peruana es un lugar de encuentro, reflexión y creación en torno a la literatura. Sus programas y actividades tienen el propósito de difundir el conocimiento de la literatura del Perú…

A Fin de Cuentos Editorial


Editorial independiente de literatura infantil y juvenil. En A Fin de Cuentos publicamos libros ilustrados, arriesgados, delicados, cuidados, con el fin de disfrutarlos. Partiendo de las imágenes, todo nos interesa…

Fernando García Pañeda


Creación y desarrollo de historias, e mundos distintos, todo ello plasmado en forma de novelas, en las que encontraréis dos ingredientes. Por una parte, historias de amor verdaderas, relaciones emocionales sinceras… 

Books and literature complement and intermingle with other sectors.

Today many cultural and creative expressions are inspired by, linked or intermingled with others, enriching and diversifying the ecosystem. How do you complement yourself? What roads would you like to explore?

Let us make this reality visible and make possible new relationships in which languages and literature play a differential role.


Documentation, library science…


Graphic arts, Industrial production…


Language teaching, translation…


Publishers, writers, scriptwriters…


Bookshops, Archives, Libraries…


Intellectual property rights management…

What role do you play in the book and literature sector?

Because diversity is not only about specialisation. The Cultural and Creative Ecosystem integrates agents with different fields of action, both from the public, private and social spheres.

Do you work directly in writting or literature? Do you support it with space or equipment? Are you looking to boost its growth or improve its conditions?


Count on Kultursistema to achieve your goals and strengthen the sector’s value chain.